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Mid-Week Announcements 02/10/21

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

The Midweek Announcements are up! 
The first Presbypod Episode is up! 
Attached below is a step-by-step instruction for how to subscribe to the Presbypod podcast, which is audio only. The video version will be available on the First Presbyterian Church, Carson City YouTube site, look under the Aunt Betty’s Studio channel.
We will repeat this information and make sure it is as easy as possible to have access to all the things we are producing through Aunt Betty’s Studio. 
Blessings and enjoy!
Your brother in Christ,
Bob Davis


How to: Subscribe to the FPC YouTube Channel

1. Go to YouTube.com
2. Search First Presbyterian Church Carson City
3. Click on the red ‘Subscribe’ button
4. After you press the ‘Subscribe’ button a little bell icon should appear next to it
5. Click on the bell to receive notifications when we publish new videos or start our livestreams
6. After clicking on the bell icon, you will receive three options:
    a. Click on ‘All’ to receive notifications for everything (We recommend this option)
    b. Click on ‘Personalized’ to choose what you would like to receive notifications for
    c. Click on ‘None’ if you would not like to receive notifications (Although we advise
        against this if you want to stay up-to-date with us)

How to: Subscribe to PresbyPod

Option 1:
1. Open Podcasts app (It should look something like this to most people)
2. Search “Presbypod”
3. You will probably see something similar to this page
4. Click on the icon underneath the Shows section
5. This should open up the podcast site
6. Click on the purple ‘Subscribe’ button
7. Once you click subscribe, the podcast will be added to your podcast library where you can see our new episodes as they come out.
Option 2:
1. Go to our website at: fpccarsoncity.org
2. Click on the RSS feed symbol on the top right of the home page
3. This link will redirect you to Apple Podcasts Preview
4. Click on the ‘Listen on Apple Podcasts’ button
5. It will ask you if you want to allow the page to open “Podcasts” Click “Allow”
6. This should redirect you to the Podcast app and show you the page for PresbyPod
7. Click the purple ‘Subscribe’ button
8. Once you click subscribe, the podcast will be added to your podcast library where
    you can see our new episodes as they come out.
Option 3:
1. Go to our website at: fpccarsoncity.org
2. Click on the Menu bar (3 lines on right side of page)
3. Scroll down the menu options until you see the “PresbyPod” tab
4. Click on the “PresbyPod” tab
5. This will take you to our PrebyPod page on our website
6. Click on the “Subscribe to Podcast” button on the top right of the page
7. Repeat steps 4-8 from Option 2