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Mission Messages

Karen Leadership Development Program - Thailand

Click here for link to November 2022 Newsletter


Frontera De Cristo

Frontera de Cristo is a Presbyterian border ministry located in the sister cities of Agua Prieta, Sonora, and Douglas, Arizona. As one of five binational ministry sites of Presbyterian Border Region Outreach (presbyterianborder.org), we work with churches, presbyteries, and secular organizations on both sides of the border to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.


The Butterworths

The Butterworths attended FPC for 25 years before moving to Ecuador. In this video they discuss the pandemic and its effect on the area in which they live. 


Fellowship Of Christian Athletes

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is an international non-profit Christian sports ministry founded in 1954 and based in Kansas City, Missouri. It has staff offices located throughout the United States and abroad. The Fellowship of Christian Athletes operates according to an internally written statement of faith. This statement consists of nine points based on Bible teachings and Christian principles. The Fellowship of Christian Athletes lists four core values for its ministry: Integrity, Serving, Teamwork, and Excellence. Each core value has a corresponding scripture.