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Passion Narrative - Matthew

Link to reading of the Passion Narrative - Matthew: https://youtu.be/1R9xdptMWo8

Manuscript: Passion Readings - Matthew 

  1. Matthew 26:1-5 Passion prediction and plot
  2. Matthew 26:6-13 Woman with perfume
  3. Matthew 26:14-16 Judas betrays Jesus
  4. Matthew 26:17-25 Jesus reveals Judas’ betrayal
  5. Matthew 26:26-30 Lord’s supper
  6. Matthew 26:31-35 Peter’s denial predicted
  7. Matthew 26:36-45 Gesthemane
  8. Matthew 26:47-56     Arrest
  9. Matthew 26:57-68 Sanhedrin
  10. Matthew 26:69-74 Peter’s denial
  11. Matthew 27:1-10 Judas hangs himself
  12. Matthew 27:11-26 Pilate
  13. Matthew 27:27-31 Soldiers’ mocking
  14. Matthew 27:32-44     Crucifixion
  15. Matthew 27:45-60 Jesus’ death
  16. Matthew 27:57-61 Jesus’ burial
  17. Matthew 27:62-66 Guards at the tomb