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FPC Mid-Week Announcements August 12 2020

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Here are our mid-week announcements on August 12, 2020 from First Presbyterian Church, Carson City:  https://youtu.be/OXojEFdJ3mY 

Just a quick recap:

a. We are continuing with in-person worship in the sanctuary on August 16 for a maximum of 50 people, worship leadership, and production team combined. We are hoping to be able to project into the Family Life Center for an additional 50 — but we are a couple weeks away from having that ready.  Additionally, we are hoping to be able to stream live within a few weeks.

b. There is a Washoe Lake Day this Friday, August 14, 2020

c. Zephyr Point work weekend is September 11, 12,& 13 or you are invited to just come on Saturday. Contact Bob or Grace Speicher to sign up and learn all the plans for the weekend.  Information will also be in the Trumpet

d. Many thanks to everyone who helped out with the rummage sale. It was a success on many levels. 

There are a few other things dropped in, so make sure you watch!


Your brother in Christ,